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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

inFORM’s Green Manifesto outlines our commitment to protect the environment and go green.

#1: Pitch the Plastic

We eliminated the plastic items including  water bottles, knives and forks, containers, disposable drinking glasses, and coffee stirrers.

#2: Telecommute

We  telecommuted and kept a small office available for occasional meetings.

#3: Choose environmental organizations

We listed environmental organizations to support that help to protect our planet. However, we gave priority for organizations focusing on saving trees because  inFORM Decisions is involved in technologies that decrease pressure on forests.

#4: Cut the power

We kept all those electronic wait states that silently suck power turned off.

#5: Go with green guys

We worked with vendors who are aware of going green.

#6: Change thinking, change habits

Changing our thinking and our habits is the most challenging aspect of going green. We continually look for new opportunities to help preserve scarce or threatened animal,  plant and mineral resources.

#7: Resonate  going paperless

Going green changes to our messages, presentations, white papers, and general outreach to the IT community costs money. Thus,  we're hoping this valuable message preaches with our present and future clientele.

#8: Green the IT

Older PCs and monitors in our server room and our aging analog phone system and hardware  were replaced to reduce our electric bills.

About us

We are professionals at inFORM Decisions (IFD) who  made the decision to go with virtual office. The first thing we did was draw up a Green Manifesto. Let’s discover it by reading the following commitments. 

Source: informdecisions.com


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