In the 1989 American science fiction adventure film Back to the Future part II two time-travelers, Doctor Brown and Marty McFly, travel from their year of 1985 to the year 2015 and experience a futuristic society in which the teenagers wear their pants inside out and travel on hover-boards. Although we don’t have flying cars as shown in the film, the year 2017 is indeed a great time to be alive.
Think about the incredible technology available to us when compared with what was available in 1985. One area where we've truly advanced technologically is in document management. The capabilities we've created in the past 30 years would be pretty mind-blowing to an odd pair of time-travelers visiting us from the eighties.
So how far has document management technology progressed since the days of our time-travelers?
· In the BTTF2 film, faxes were prevalent and used everywhere. In the bathroom? Although faxes are still used today, document management technology is focused on converting incoming faxes into digital files, extracting the important data, and storing them digitally so they can be easily accessed, eliminating the need for paper.
· In BTTF2, a lot of emphasis was placed on modern convenience like dehydrated foods, voice-activated lights and robots to walk your dog. In reality, our biggest changes have been the internet and in home automation. We have also come a long way in efficiency with our work lives. Today's companies are interested eliminating menial tasks and helping their employees get their jobs done in the smartest and most efficient manner. Document management plays a huge part in making that a reality. Streamlining workflow processes, reducing time spent on manual tasks and creating secure but easily accessible document storage solutions helps make workdays significantly more productive.
· In 2017 we still can't turn garbage into fuel to power our cars (nor can we fly our cars), however, with advanced document capture technology we can easily turn documents into useful data to make your life easier. And like Doc Brown's home energy reactor, "Mr. Fusion," our technology can basically do all of the work for you. With automation features like the Accelerated Classification Engine and Table Extraction, the document capture software tools from inFORM Decisons simplify the most complex document management projects.
If you want to learn more about how iCapture can help your business become a company of the future contact us today.
Our website: - Phone numbers: (949) 709-5838 / (800) 858-5544
Tags: Optical character recognition software, Sharepoint workflow software, Paperless invoice processing, Digital forms, Invoice and AP automation
Our website: - Phone numbers: (949) 709-5838 / (800) 858-5544
Tags: Optical character recognition software, Sharepoint workflow software, Paperless invoice processing, Digital forms, Invoice and AP automation
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