In our era of information and technology business leaders are now becoming more involved with digital initiatives. These projects impact the growth and success of a company and the scope is now beyond the realm of just the IT department.
It was revealed in Gartner’s survey of 400 senior business executives about top strategic priorities in 2016 that the top priority of a large number of organization leaders is technology and digitalization. In terms of strategic business priorities growth was in the first place, followed by customer experience and workforce improvements. We can clearly see the direct connection between digitalization, growth and the overall success of a company. But what is the first step to achieve a successful digital transformation? The answer is investing in an advanced document capture like iCapture.
Below are some reasons iCapture can help your business achieve the top three strategic priorities.
1. Growth: Can your company grow without digitalization? Because an advanced document capture eliminates time-consuming manual processes, streamlines information, reduces business costs and increases the efficiency of any department that utilizes it, you will be at a severe competitive disadvantage without it. iCapture is the cornerstone for efficient document processing throughout an organization.
2. Customer Experience: Paper processes are increasingly difficult to manage and result in inefficient in business operations, especially notable in the area of customer service. An inefficient customer service department can cost your company with higher expenses, decreased sales and less revenue. Every contact is important because each customer is a mouse-click away of telling the world about his experience with your company. It’s imperative to provide each customer with a positive customer service experience that will keep them coming back for more. With iCapture from inFORM Decisions you and your staff can authoritatively respond quickly to customers with accurate information whenever they need it. Having an efficient, streamlined document capture system will also facilitate better collaboration between staff members, which ultimately promotes improved customer service.
3. Improvements in workforce: A better workforce equates to better customer service. iCapture can be an enormous asset for companies trying to improve the efficiency of their workforce and streamline customer service.. Automating document processing with advanced capture can also speed up the human resources onboarding process and allow new employees to experience a faster and easier transition into their roles. Reducing paperwork and manual data entry can free up your human resources staff to spend their time on employee development. Beyond the HR department, iCapture can help reduce manual processes for employees throughout the whole company, which can have a positive impact on employee satisfaction. Happier employees are significantly more productive than are those who are not satisfied with their jobs.
If you are looking facilitate growth, improve your company’s customer service and workforce, contact inFORM Decisions and we will help you to achieve these goals.
Our website: - Phone numbers: (949) 709-5838 / (800) 858-5544
Tags: Enterprise Content Management, Ap automation, ECM, Document scanning solutions, iSeries ACH
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