Learn how iSeries document scanning, capture, distribution and workflow can save money, increase document security, and improve organization efficiency. Learn more at www.informdecisions.com

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Do thoughts about your company’s mailroom conjure images akin to a maze of paper and packages where you can get lost among tons of documents? Perhaps that image is exaggerated, but mailrooms can be messy, unnavigable and downright unmanageable. If you can’t find an effective way to manage it, the mailroom will become a chaotic place that accumulates both incoming and outgoing documents and gradually turns into a labyrinth of paper before you even realize it.

The good news is that with the help of document capture, you can eliminate the mailroom chaos and makes it a manageable and well-organized function. Below are a few ways that inFORM Decision's document capture and data extraction tools can assist in taking control of your mailroom:

Eliminate sorting.  Since mail can’t magically sort itself, manually sorting it can be a time-consuming and tedious task that takes employees away from other more important work.  With iCapture, your staff can scan mail when it arrives without having to sort or enter the document type. The Classification feature will automatically determine what type of document has been scanned and will automatically classify it as such.

Same process with multiple locations.  iCapture offers you a system that allows scanning documents from multiple locations. With auto-import, the software can monitor hot folders for incoming documents and automatically ingest them into a workflow. If important documents like invoices or contracts are mailed to separate locations, they can still be processed at your company's headquarters or main office by the authorized administrators.

Quickly access the documents. Mailroom backlogs can hinder progress and end up costing your business while you are waiting on a signed contract, order or invoice. With iCapture you no longer have to wait around for mail to be processed. No more missing out on prompt pay discounts or risking being penalized for late payments due to unpaid invoices backlogged in the mailroom. By automating mailroom capture, documents delivered via mail can be scanned and captured upon arrival and routed to your document repository promptly, so you can stay on top of the tasks that need immediate attention.

Automate your mailroom process and optimize productivity with iCapture.       
Contact inFORM Decisions today to learn more!

Our website: http://www.informdecisions.com/ - Phone numbers: (949) 709-5838 / (800) 858-5544

Tags: AS/400 ACHiseries forms software, Spool file bursting, AS/400 form, AS/400 document storage


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