Quickly take your plain text spool files and transform
them into modern, colored, graphic custom branded documents in
user-friendly formats like PDF, or export valuable data to excel spreadsheets,
automatically distributing them via email, and make them accessible to users
anytime via a secure web-based portal.
are still many organizations throughout the world where vast amounts of reports
are produced, printed and manually distributed to the intended recipient. With
IFD’s iPDF solution you can automatically generate reports to PDF files and
distribute them electronically or publish them in the cloud. The PDF format
is far richer than the generic usage reflects, and you can do far more with a
PDF than archiving it electronically or sending it in an email.
Much more than just
spool file conversion. iPDF provides easy to use flexible functionality to
enhance the converted output. In addition to producing forms and reports, it also enables the originator to
password protect and encrypt the outputted PDF files, as well as adding
restrictions to the PDF and including digital signatures to authenticate the
report and show it has not been tampered with.
In addition to creating a secure and targeted PDF file from the iSeries
data, iPDF allows you to make your PDF report interactive,
with fully searchable pages. This ensures that the report is even more
user/reader friendly and allows the recipient to quickly locate and retrieve
the information which is most important to them.
inFORM Decisions has been serving the IBM i family of computers
since 1994. iPDF and our
products can provide you with the versatility that never existed with computer
generated paper forms. Our products provide the perfect solution to accomplish
your paperless office imitative.
Contact inFORM Decisions at (949) 709-5838
or (800) 858-5544 for a demonstration or trial software and experience the difference.
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